Lecture: The Narrative Planning Strategy of “Story Scenes” in the Reutilization of Historical Sites(2020/12/11)

Topic: The Narrative Planning Strategy of “Story Scenes” in the Reutilization of Historical Sites Lecturer: Hsu Yu-Chien (徐裕健) (Well-known Architect and Professor, Department of Architecture, Huafan University) Time: 2020, December 11 (Fri.) 9:10~12:10 Venue: Class Room 324, GITL, NTU Lecture… Read More

Lecture: What if Taiwan Cultural Association was never founded? The Necessity of One Hundred Years of Resistance (百年催生)(2020/10/08)

Topic: What if Taiwan Cultural Association was never founded? The Necessity of One Hundred Years of  Resistance (百年催生) Lecturer:  Chen Nan-Hung(陳南宏) (Writer and Producer of Survive (日據時代的十種生存法則) Time: 2020, October 8 (Thu.) 15:30~16:20 Venue: : Class Room 502, Multi-Purpose Classroom Building,… Read More