Topic: Post-War Taiwan People in China: On Taiwansheng Lüping Tongxianghui (臺灣省旅平同鄉會)

Lecturer: Lo Shih-Yu (羅詩雲)(PhD from the Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature, NCCU and Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, Chihlee University of Technology)

Time: 2020, September 22 (Tue.) 14:30~16:00

Venue: Class Room 324, GITL, NTU

Lecture Summary

During the Japanese colonial period, a small group of Taiwan people made their way to Beijing. Sometimes called as “Taiwan’s Three Musketeers of the Beijing Literary Circle”(北京文壇臺灣三劍客), these people referred themselves as the “Taiwanese Elite Four” (臺籍菁英四劍客)or the “Eight Immortals”(八仙). Although they spent their lives in China, their connection to Taiwan was never disappeared. Before the war, these “Taiwanese Beijing Sojourners” (旅京臺人) have formed groups and associations, building a vast cultural network. After the war, they published the journal New Taiwan(新臺灣) through which they express the hope for a better future. In this talk, Professor Lo Shih-Yun introduced the interpersonal networks of the Taiwanese Beijing Sojourners through geographical perspective and also looked at the groups, associations, and journals fashioned by them. Professor Lo’s talk not only provided students with new viewpoints from which to assess the post-war period of Taiwan literature but also showcased methodologies of developing a robust research basis into a thrilling academic account.