Congratulations to our doctoral students Wei Yi-Chun (魏亦均) and Chang Yi-Ning (張怡寧)for the successful publication of their academic articles in the 34th issue of the Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies!
Congratulations to our students for their outstanding contributions to the 19th National Taiwan Literature Graduate Student Academic Conference!
「萬有文學力:第十九屆全國臺灣文學研究生學術研討會」入選名單公布 2022/06/24 國立臺灣文學館 本屆「萬有文學力:第十九屆全國臺灣文學研究生學術研討會」經三位審查委員匿名審查投稿摘要之後,錄取自籌主題論文1組,個人學術論文29篇。 入選名單如下,通知信件將於近日內寄出,敬請於8/5(五)前繳交全文: 自籌主題論文(1組): 黃亮鈞(國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所碩士生) 〈寬廣的「鄉土」:黃得時的民間/俗文學關注〉 李秉樞(國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所博士生) 〈「鄉」的過現未——1960 年代中晚期小說的鄉愁意識〉 曹鈞傑(國立政治大學中國文學研究所碩士生) 〈淡景式記憶:賴香吟小說與寫作論〉 個人學術論文(依姓氏筆畫排列): 巫凱琳(東海大學中國文學系博士班): 〈由台灣日治時期俚諺相關辭典編纂觀看跨文化治理——以《臺灣俚諺集覽》與《臺灣風俗誌・臺灣人的俚諺》為探究對象〉 李嘉恩(國立政治大學台灣文學研究所碩士生) 〈檔案化的歷史記憶:以紀錄片《天亮前的戀愛故事》為例〉 周子謙(國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所碩士班) 〈五〇年代香港反共文學與雙文藝體制:林適存香港時期的文藝論述與實踐(1950-1954)〉 周寅彰(國立政治大學台灣文學研究所碩士生) 〈傷口會發言嗎?以免疫邏輯比較楊青矗與陌上塵的工傷書寫〉 林心嵐(國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所碩士班) 〈邊界拓張:抒情以外的台灣散文視野初探〉 林宇軒(國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所碩士班) 〈臺灣現代詩場域中的「詩質」意義流變〉 林明進(國立政治大學台灣文學研究所碩士生) 〈羞恥與現代主義:《家變》的語言、情感政治〉 林裘雅(國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所碩士班) … Read More
Lecture: The Crystal Boys and Rebellious Girls in Taiwanese Prose: From Pai Hsien-yung to Our Times (2022/06/17)
Topic: The Crystal Boys and Rebellious Girls in Taiwanese Prose: From Pai Hsien-yung to Our Times Lecturer: Yang Chia-hsien (楊佳嫻) (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, NTHU), Chen Po-ching (陳栢青) (M.A., Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, NTU; Well-known writer) Time:… Read More
Congratulations to our master’s students Oong Hui Jie(汪卉婕) and Chen Lei-Chi (陳蕾琪) for receiving the 24th NTU Literary Award! Oong Hui Jie (汪卉婕) won the Second Price in the prose fiction category and Chen Lei-Chi (陳蕾琪)won the Honorable Mention Award in the essay writing category.
Lecture: Ogawa Yōko and the Queer Feminist Writer in Times of Darkness: Theory, Pedagogy, and Becoming in Hong Kong (2022/06/13)
Topic: Ogawa Yōko and the Queer Feminist Writer in Times of Darkness: Theory, Pedagogy, and Becoming in Hong Kong Lecturer: Grace Ting (丁恩宜) (Assistant Professor, Program of Gender Studies, HKU) Time: 2022, June 13(Mon.) 13:30~15:00 Venue: Online Read Blog(Chinese Version)
Lecture: New Walking Maps of Taiwan and Hong Kong: Striding and Exploring the Mountains and Villages (2022/05/06)
Topic: New Walking Maps of Taiwan and Hong Kong: Striding and Exploring the Mountains and Villages Lecturer: Liu Ke-hsiang(劉克襄) (Well-known writer and the Lecturing Author for the Lin Rong San Taiwan Literature Lecture Series, NTU Lecture Series) Time: 2022, May… Read More
Lecture: A Slow Train to Zuoying: The Making of the Documentary Yeh Shih-tao, a Taiwan Man (2022/05/05)
Topic: A Slow Train to Zuoying: The Making of the Documentary Yeh Shih-tao, a Taiwan Man Lecturer: Hsu Hui-lin(許卉林) (Director of Yeh Shih-tao, a Taiwan Man) Time: 2022, May 5(Thu.) 15:30~16:20 Venue: Online Read Blog(Chinese Version)